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man-Chinese-line-tanks-Beijing-demonstrators-Tiananmen-June-5-1989 (1).jpg

Lishy Hason(Generic chair name)

Hi! My name Is Lishy Hason, and this is my 5th year doing MUN. So far (bla bla bla)

Lishy Hason(Generic chair name)

Hi! My name Is Lishy Hason, and this is my 5th year doing MUN. So far (bla bla bla)

Lishy Hason(Generic chair name)

Hi! My name Is Lishy Hason, and this is my 5th year doing MUN. So far (bla bla bla)

expert committee

HSC - 1968
Historical security Council
(Double Delegation)


  • the vietnam war: the aftermath of the tet offensive (august 19)

  • the warsaw pact invasion of czecoslovakia (august 20)

Your chairs

Ofri Guz

Sam Kenani

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