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Special Political and Decolonization Committee


1. Evaluating and Mitigating the Effects of China's Non-interference Policy on Less Developed Countries.

2.Ethical Considerations of Multinational Companies in Less Economically Developed Countries.


  SPECPOL was created in 1993 in accordance with the General Assembly Resolution 47/233, with the main objective of addressing significant political matters that the First Committee (DISEC) was not able to handle, such as self-determination, decolonization, and other international security concerns. It considers a broad range of issues covering a cluster of five decolonization-related agenda items, such as the effects of atomic radiation, questions relating to information, a comprehensive review of the question of peacekeeping operations as well as a review of special political missions, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. In addition to these annual items, the Committee also considers the items on Assistance in mine action, and University for peace biennially and triennially respectively.  Currently, the Fourth Committee can be viewed as the United Nations Security Council's (UNSC) entrance door, since the questions discussed at the Council are often assessed earlier by SPECPOL - not only because of the broader approach it has in terms of international security, but also because it allows all United Nations (UN) member States to be heard before the question reaches other UN organs. Therefore, although they are not binding, the committee's resolutions are very appealing, since they reflect the opinion of a majority of countries regarding substantive matters .


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